Commuter's Communion

Devotional Appetizers for the Godly on the Go!

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Monday Jan 20, 2020

As we end season 1, Episode 30 dives into the central theme of communion. If Satisfaction Guaranteed Part 1 encouraged us in the promise of God getting every value He purchased in us, part 2 looks at what happens with our desires in the process. Psalm 37 helps us in understanding the guarantee, even toward the satisfaction of our desires. And to bring it full circle, it comes through proper communion. 
Commuter's Communion serves devotional appetizers for the Godly on the go!
Served by: @RhythmAndRedemption

Monday Jan 13, 2020

Products and services always have an extra measure of assurance when their satisfaction is guaranteed. The promise that every value that was advertised will be enjoyed is an extra boost to your confidence in that value. As Christians, we live a lifestyle marked by guaranteed satisfaction in Christ's purchase of us by His blood. Galatians 4 gives us some insight into that in Episode 29.
Commuter's Communion serves devotional appetizers for the Godly on the go!
Served by: @RhythmAndRedemption

Monday Jan 06, 2020

A welcoming and hospitable hosts makes a world of difference when visiting somewhere. The opposite is the quickest way to make sure you never return somewhere. Well, except when it comes to Christ's visit to and dwelling in us. That was characterized by hostility from us and from the world, yet even so, what did our Savior decide to do? How should that contradiction affect our treasure of and depth in His presence? Let's let 1 John guide us in that question in Episode 28. 
Commuter's Communion serves devotional appetizers for the Godly on the go!
Served by: @RhythmAndRedemption

Restoration - S1.E27.

Wednesday Dec 11, 2019

Wednesday Dec 11, 2019

Take one look around our world & the people in it and you'll find plenty of reasons to long for restoration. Ever thought of what that would look like though? Psalm 80 gives us a picture of restoration and encourages us in its perspective on it. We take a look in Episode 27.
Commuter's Communion serves devotional appetizers for the Godly on the go!
Served by: @RhythmAndRedemption

Life Support - S1.E26.

Thursday Dec 05, 2019

Thursday Dec 05, 2019

Our natural & internal support systems aren't reliable. Thankfully when our heart & flesh fail, we have something outside of us that can & will sustain & lead us. Psalm 73:26 describes our life support in The Gospel – what brings us back to life & what sustains us forevermore.
Commuter's Communion serves devotional appetizers for the Godly on the go!
Served by: @RhythmAndRedemption

Steph Curry Confidence - S1.E25.

Wednesday Nov 27, 2019

Wednesday Nov 27, 2019

Are you ever discouraged from things not going well, particularly when you know you were doing the right thing? Frustrating right? It can be hard to persist in this case. In the same way that you wouldn't abandon your greatest strength or advantage athletically if you're off for a game, Hebrews 10 encourages us to not lose confidence in your greatest strength spiritually as things are off. More on that in Episode 25, come listen.
Commuter's Communion serves devotional appetizers for the Godly on the go!
Served by: @RhythmAndRedemption

Mismatch - S1.E24.

Thursday Nov 14, 2019

Thursday Nov 14, 2019

Do you remember the last time you've played a sport & felt completely disrespected by your opponent declaring that they're a mismatch for you? Challenging right?... The enemy often wants to deceive us in a similar way by amplifying the voice that says that he & the challenges we face outmatch us who are in Christ. The catch is this: as Christians God has won the victory and will always outmatch our enemy & circumstances. 
Let's talk about it.
Commuter's Communion serves devotional appetizers for the Godly on the go!
Served by: @RhythmAndRedemption

Core Strength - S1.E23.

Friday Nov 08, 2019

Friday Nov 08, 2019

Have you prayed for strength recently? In Episode 23, we'll look to scripture to guide your expectations for how God hears and responds to that prayer.
Commuter's Communion serves devotional appetizers for the Godly on the go!
Served by: @RhythmAndRedemption

Home Improvement - S1.E22.

Sunday Oct 27, 2019

Sunday Oct 27, 2019

There's few things more rewarding than seeing something you have responsibility over bear fruit & have impact. Part of the reason for that is the knowledge of how much you put into it. It's easy to be discouraged by what that means for our life's place & choices, but how can we be reoriented knowing that we're leasing this body? In Episode 22 we're refreshed by examining that we're God's principle possession that He's overseeing great growth in. Let's dive in!
Commuter's Communion serves devotional appetizers for the Godly on the go!
Served by: @RhythmAndRedemption

Urgent Care - S1.E21.

Monday Sep 30, 2019

Monday Sep 30, 2019

To be a Christian is to be one who was once dead in sin, but is now alive in Christ through faith in Jesus' sacrifice. It's a position of need. The need doesn't stop at salvation though; and to see that as a good thing, requires maturity. I'll explain in Episode 21.
Commuter's Communion serves devotional appetizers for the Godly on the go!
Served by: @RhythmAndRedemption

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